Saturday, January 12, 2013


So, I'm 12 days into Restore-ing my health.  

I have:

  • Successfully given up diet soda (or any other soda) for the past 12 days.   This has been hard.   I really, really love my Diet Dr. Pepper.  But, I've substituted coffee in the morning and unsweetened iced tea at lunch and I'm not suffering any caffeine withdrawals.   I do miss the bubbles, but even that is waning.
  • Stopped eating out at lunch every day.   The one day I did go out, I had Chick-Fil-A and got a grilled chicken sandwich and fruit (with iced tea to drink).   I count this as a win.
  • I've been parking in the back 40 of the parking lot at work (and anywhere else I go) just to take some extra help.   I started taking the stairs, but then developed a bad head cold and let's be honest, I totally used that as an excuse to stop taking the stairs.   Next week, I'm back to the stairs.
  • I have been adding extra fruits and vegetables every day.   I don't think I'm up to where I should be, but I have been eating an apple for a snack, adding veggies to my sandwiches and eating a lot of vegetable soups.   Clementines are still in season and I do love to eat one or two of them just whenever I have a couple of free moments.
  • I saw my new Civilian Doc.   My blood pressure was already down, so I was happy.   He's ordered a sleep apnea test and my records from the base.   If we get down to it and there's nothing physically wrong with me, I'll at least feel better knowing that my Doctor is checking out every possibility.
Truth is, I am feeling better.   I feel like I'm making positive changes that I can continue long-term.   I'm on my way to restoring my health!

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