Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Results?

I made the commitment, so here goes:

Starting Weight - 210
Today's Weight -

Starting Blood Pressure - 135/90
Today's Blood Pressure -

Starting Blood Sugar (Fasting) -
Today's Blood Sugar (Fasting)-

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adding in some "fun" exercise

I think I admitted before, I don't care too much for exercise.   I find it rather boring and really, why run unless you're being chased by something scary.   Like a bear.  Or zombie.

But obviously, I need to start adding some activity (other than taking the stairs) in order to restore my health.   Am I wrong that I want it to be fun?

A friend of mine and I took a Zumba class once and um...I'm not very coordinated.   So we made up our own dance moves.   We were cracking up (and about half the class was cracking up at us) and we were having FUN!

So I've been trying to think of some other ways that are low cost (see the month where I restore my wallet...right now, it's a little on the lean side) and most of all, FUN!

So I've been thinking about a little of this:

I have to admit though, the last time I went ice skating, I fell.   HARD.   And almost gave myself a concussion.

This looks like fun:

And maybe add a little "spice" for my husband?

Speaking of my husband...I'm trying to think of ways that he and I can get in some fun exercise together.  

We've been talking for years about taking some sort of dance lessons together.   Tango?  Swing?  Salsa? Two-Step?  Haven't decided, but I think it's time to figure it out!

Or this:

Because, we live in Colorado for Heaven's Sake!

As is the usual, I am open to suggestions.   What type of exercise do you find fun?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Morning Routines

Do you know what my favorite year of my life has been?


Random, I know.  But in 2010, I felt strong, healthy, sexy and ready to take on the world.

Back in 2010, I did Yoga 3 times a week.   I really connect that with how much I loved being 37.

My morning routine now is to check in on Facebook and red a blog or two.

Starting today, I'm going to get up 20 minutes earlier and do some easy yoga stretches while I meditate.  

I always felt so great after Yoga class, so why not start each day feeling great?

I'm on my way to feeling strong, healthy, sexy and ready to take on the world again!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's official - I'm old

40 years ago today, the American Government was in crisis.

Joseph 'Uncle Joe Cannon (C) & (clockwise fr. top L) Rhodes, Saxbe, Arends, Packwood, Conable, Mondale, Albert, Mansfield, Ervin, Anderson, Udall, Ribicf, Ford, Griffiths, Baker, Mathias, Aiken, O'Neill, Mills and Kennedy. Cannon portrait by William Oberhardt.

And a baby girl was born at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, CO at 11:15 AM.

Today marks the end of my 30's.   My 30's were really great. I really feel like I lived to the fullest in my 30's.   I am truly looking forward to what my 40's will bring.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Portion Control

In the first two weeks, I started with small changes that have been fairly easy to implement.

Next up on my agenda is portion control.   I'm pretty poor at this.   If there is something I really like, I will overeat and overeat because it tastes so good.

I don't want to give up the foods I really love entirely.   In order to restore my health though, I have to learn how to control how much of it I'm eating.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


So, I'm 12 days into Restore-ing my health.  

I have:

  • Successfully given up diet soda (or any other soda) for the past 12 days.   This has been hard.   I really, really love my Diet Dr. Pepper.  But, I've substituted coffee in the morning and unsweetened iced tea at lunch and I'm not suffering any caffeine withdrawals.   I do miss the bubbles, but even that is waning.
  • Stopped eating out at lunch every day.   The one day I did go out, I had Chick-Fil-A and got a grilled chicken sandwich and fruit (with iced tea to drink).   I count this as a win.
  • I've been parking in the back 40 of the parking lot at work (and anywhere else I go) just to take some extra help.   I started taking the stairs, but then developed a bad head cold and let's be honest, I totally used that as an excuse to stop taking the stairs.   Next week, I'm back to the stairs.
  • I have been adding extra fruits and vegetables every day.   I don't think I'm up to where I should be, but I have been eating an apple for a snack, adding veggies to my sandwiches and eating a lot of vegetable soups.   Clementines are still in season and I do love to eat one or two of them just whenever I have a couple of free moments.
  • I saw my new Civilian Doc.   My blood pressure was already down, so I was happy.   He's ordered a sleep apnea test and my records from the base.   If we get down to it and there's nothing physically wrong with me, I'll at least feel better knowing that my Doctor is checking out every possibility.
Truth is, I am feeling better.   I feel like I'm making positive changes that I can continue long-term.   I'm on my way to restoring my health!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Well hello fruits and veggies

I am not a fruit and veggie person normally.   I would say, I'm more of a cake and ice cream person.   But, in the effort of restoring my body, I will be eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

I'm not a big fan of a lot of fruits and veggies, so I'm going to have to be creative in order to fit them in.

Source: via Barb on Pinterest

I am, for sure, open to suggestions from others who don't care for a wide variety of produce. There's only so much salad a girl can eat before she ends up back on the grilled cheese diet.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Buh-Bye Lunch

Or at least  buh- bye lunch as I currently know it.

Source: via Kristie on Pinterest
Source: via

Oh Lord....I really like my cheese at lunch. From now on, my lunches are going to look more like this:

Source: via Carlene on Pinteres

 I think this one may hurt more than the exercise. Yikes.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Taking the long way

I hate exercise. 

 No, I really, really hate it.

I am not athletic, I never enjoyed sports.   I was the kid who would have rather be with a book than a ball.

But (and to get rid of my big one) I need to amp up the movement.

So today I'm vowing to stark sneaking in the dreaded exercise.   My plan is to park in the very far corner of the parking lot at work.   Take the stairs instead of the elevator (I only work on the 3rd floor).  

Baby steps.   Baby steps.   I keep telling myself  that this is the way I'm going to restore my health.   It can't be a quick fix, I have to make these changes for the long term

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello Water

So, I survived my first day without my Diet Dr Pepper.   Today, my plan is to make sure that I'm drinking plenty of water.

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

This is hard for me, because water is just so...plain.

If I can remember to buy tangerines and mint at the store, I think I'm going to give Dr. Oz's "Weight-orade" a try.   I like green tea and it sounds yummy to add citrus and mint.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Buh-Bye Diet Soda

In what I think is going to be the hardest change for me to make, I am giving up my Diet Dr. Pepper.   Oh, I don't want to.   Not one little teeny tiny bit.   Me and the Double DP are besties from way back.

But the 85 mg of sodium in each bottle is driving up my blood pressure and the list of ingredients I can't pronounce, let alone know what they are, leads me to believe that it's time to say goodbye. *Sad Face*

I'll miss you diet soda.